Happy 2025!

Time really flies when you don't think about it. I'm pretty sure that I've barely blinked twenty times before 2024 flew by and out of nowhere 2025 has already reared its ugly head.

A friend mentioned that time seems to pass faster because each new day forms a less significant portion of our lifetimes as we continue to age. I'm sure I'm butchering the expression, so to make myself clearer I can explain this with an example.

For instance, when I'm 10 years old (alive for 3650 days), a new day would represent 0.02% of my lifetime. Whereas at 30 years old (alive for 10850 days), a new day only represents 0.009% of my existence. A new day at 30 years of age would technically feel 2x less significant than it would have 20 years ago (somebody please fact check my math).

In any case, a new year is upon me and I've learned from my many years of existence that time passes whether or not you do anything with it (I especially love the expression "inexorable march of time").

At the start of every new year I am always reminded that I should utilise my time fully. The difficulty lies in maintaining the same momentum throughout the year. With some proper planning, I hope to achieve at least 80% of my health and career goals.

Let's just list down some new year resolutions for old times' sake:

  1. Complete the StanChart 2025 full marathon (wishlist from 2020 actually, thanks COVID-19)
  2. Have better clarity on what I'm looking for in my SWE career

After being burdened by some rather unsavoury projects at work for much of 2024, I am starting to get a good idea of what I don't want to do. The question of "what I want to do" still remains, but a little process of elimination never hurt anyone.

With the resolutions out of the way, here's hoping for a slightly less bad 2025 ahead.